Who will benefit?
These workshops benefit individuals at all levels in the organisation but are focussed on team members, their managers and support staff. The focus is on specific communication tools (language and behaviours) that can be used immediately in the workplace to improve productivity and wellbeing and generate client delight.
We present a powerful, practical framework for generating solutions in the face of constraints, and we coach participants in how to use it effectively. The approach scales from solving immediate to long term problems, and from tactical to strategic. Topics include:
· A framework for ordering thought processes in the face of complex issues.
· How effective problem solving unlocks quality decision making.
· Building self-management habits for improved problem solving
This workshop takes “better communication” out of the abstract into the intensely practical interpersonal world of the many different kinds of conversations needed at work.
We work with a number of tools that build conversational intelligence – how to: increase safety, negotiate on the hoof, handle feedback constructively, use conversational “bubble wrapping”, delegate at all levels, understand “listening to give”, build and show respect
This workshop integrates a number of self-management tools for boosting effectiveness for individuals and teams. It includes integrity, prioritising in different contexts and time frames, planning at different scales, building better habits, managing focus, how to keep personal sensitivity out of the workplace, and preserving work/life balance.
This workshop presents five frames for creating productive meetings and managing their administrative context effectively.
It covers practical ideas including:
· Managing difficult situations—conflict, interruptions, aggressive behaviour (sexist, racist, bullying), disengagement, side-meetings, distractions (phones, noise, off-topic discussions), language/accent issues, timing.
· Increasing conversational intelligence—skills for interrupting, turn-taking, inclusiveness, listening, delegating.
· Strengthening gravitas—developing credibility, expressing authority & control, presenting effectively, maintaining safety.
What is workplace wellbeing? What makes work fulfilling? This workshop addresses seven key factors, and the attitudes that make a difference between staff being engaged and disengaged.
Designed for employees at all levels:
· How personal aspirations can be used to drive wellbeing and workplace productivity.
· Primary & secondary group relationships (e.g. dealing with loyalty, gossip, appreciation).
· Work/life balance – the contemporary demand for flexibility, strategies for managing ‘balance’ and why this is critical for sustained engagement and productivity.
Who will benefit?
These workshops are for participants who have organisation-wide responsibilities and are committed to significantly impacting their organisation’s performance at all levels: individual, team and organisation.
Beyond industrial era models of ‘command and control’. Topics can include:
· Authenticity – what it is and why it matters for Brand Value.
· Using principle-based practices as operational standards.
· Identifying capability across different contexts in the organisation – and building it.
· Defining communication guidelines – the backbone of high-engagement workplaces.
· Building client delight in a network-saturated economy.
· Tools for strengthening unique culture (e.g. developing stories, language and practices).
· Preserve the core – the future of work in the face of the predictable and the unpredictable (e.g. getting AI into perspective, dealing with ongoing learning).
Includes managing critical conversations, dealing effectively with self and others under stress, handling breakdowns, micro-management, effective delegation, integrity with self-management and prioritising, work/life balance strategies, and a number of other areas central to continuous professional improvement.
This workshop focuses on understanding what ‘marketing’ means for the professional service company/organisation. It examines the importance of defining Brand Value and managing to the behaviours that build it. Highlights include:
· Authenticity – individual and business level.
· ‘Conversations for success’ – e.g. relationship building conversations, streetwise market research, problem solving ‘selling’, amplifying the referral cycle.
· Building sector credibility and leadership.
· Engaging the whole team.
This organisation-wide workshop is for team members and managers. It requires top-level support for effective implementation. Productivity and effectiveness across an organisation can be transformed.
We introduce a range of Agile Methods adapted from the IT sector for use in the broader professional services sector.
It includes: tools for prioritising at different scales, defining knowledge-worker waste, developing specific kinds of meetings, visible planning techniques, review-and-adapt cycles, working to minimum viable product standards, perfectionism, multitasking, and a number of other tools that collectively carry huge promise to transform knowledge work across the board.
Every workshop, training & motivational presentation we take on is designed to serve your needs, and the specific results you are looking for. Our total focus is on the conditions, skills and mind-sets needed to produce them. That’s where we start and where we stay
All our work is based on motivating and inspiring people to be the best they can be – no holds barred!
Shifting workplace and business cultures is a challenge for everyone in management and leadership roles – it takes thoughtful planning, training and meticulous execution.
Forté Career & Business Designs has been helping people-leaders do this work for more than a decade – building workplace cultures that express and support continuous improvement and valuing the worth of the team.
Max and Frances leading business training: Workplace Effectiveness and Communications at Sheraton, Fiji
“When the company was established in 2004, the Directors recognised that they needed assistance with many aspects of establishing the business and setting it up so that it could become an enduring enterprise. We turned to Frances and Max for assistance and they have been working with us ever since.”