Media and Articles

Employment Today: (February 2018), Article

“Fifth generation work – a new dimension”

Download the Article (pdf)

NEXT Magazine: (February 2018: Article in Life Coach section):

“Future Thinking – radical changes disrupting our careers – how to stay relevant in the workplace”

NZ Weekend Business Books: (6 January 2018)

“Work Passion Power: Strategies for a working life you will love” listed as one of the top self-help books to read for 2018.

NZ Herald: (19 December 2017)

Interview by Val Leveson “Smart way to stay on top of work”


Employment Today: (7 November 2017), Article

“Valuing soft skills – the challenge and the promise”

Download the Article (pdf)

Radio Live: (September 2017)

Interview with Carly Flynn on the release of “Work Passion Power”

Kapiti Beach FM:

Interview with Nigel Hopkins on release of “Work Passion Power”

Newstalk ZB: (21 September 2017)

Tim Fookes Morning Show: Interview on release of “Work Passion Power”

NZ Business + Management: (September 2017)

Review “Book addresses employee disengagement”

NZ Herald: (28 September 2017)

Interview by Val Leveson “Writers target engagement gap”


TV3 The Café: (18 September 2017 )

Interview with Mel Homer in the ‘Celebrity guest slot’

Radio NZ: (3 September 2017)

Interview on the Wallace Chapman’s Sunday Show “What’s up with the world of work and what can you do about it”


NZ Herald (May 31, 2015):

Interview “John Campbell made for mayoralty, job advisor suggests.”

NEXT Magazine July 2013

“Help! I’m the Boss.”

Download the Article (pdf)

NEXT Magazine: (Jan 2013)

“Achieve your work goals”

Download the Article (pdf)

NEXT Magazine: October 2012

“Positive ways to handle negative feedback”

Download the Article (pdf)

NEXT Magazine: interviews May 2012

“How to recession proof your career”

Download the Article (pdf)

Look: Greater Ponsonby (July 2011):

“It’s all about you” Interviewed by Lisa Lark

TV1 Featured Guest: Jude Dobson at 5:00

Frances was a regular guest on the “Jude Dobson at 5:00” programme discussing a wide range of career issues.

Jude Dobson interviewing Frances on career direction issues

Jude Dobson interviewing Fran on entrepreneurial lifestyles and business start-up