If you have any of these concerns, then it could be time to seriously re-consider your career direction. But is this the right time to act? If you are not sure, then work through the “Am I ready yet questions” here
Maybe you never felt you found the right career fit for you at the start? It is never too late (or too soon) to review your career choices. We have huge experience in guiding clients through a re-think of their work and career situations.
Given that the average working person spends about 1800 hours at work each year – and many spend a lot more – there’s a huge amount of your life, and the quality of your life, at stake.
Forté Careers offers individual face-to-face consultations (we also work via Skype or Zoom) to help people express their interests and ideas, identify their strengths, clarify values and choose goals that really make sense for them.
And (most significantly) we get you started on moving towards work that really does tick all your boxes. To help maintain momentum, we also offer ongoing email and telephone coaching (or both).
Some career and work planning works brilliantly – and some does not. We know the difference and will ensure you work out the right kind of ‘career plan’ for your particular circumstances – starting from where you are right now and scaled to suit your capacity to change and develop given your time, energy and level of focus.