‘Work is just work’, isn’t it? Maybe you just need to buckle down, grin, and bear it. No, work is not just work. A poor work situation can leave its mess all over your life and relationships. You don’t need to put up with it.
Is it time to take action towards a fulfilling career? Find out in 5 minutes with the Forté Career Health Check.
Are you being as focused and effective as you could be? Are you struggling with skills for time management, business communication, and relationship building? With procrastination, perfectionism, confidence, and focus?
What is actually possible for a person like you? Take 5 minutes to let the Forté Professional Productivity Review highlight how you are doing.
What: We provide professional consulting, coaching and training services to individuals, business and organisations, resolving career decisions, improving performance and transforming workplace productivity.
Where: Based in Ponsonby, Auckland, we work with clients in person or remotely (via Zoom, Skype, Teams) and travel widely delivering seminars and workshops.
Who: We are long-term professional members of the Career Development Association of NZ, operating under the CDANZ code of ethics fulfilling the Professional Development requirements of this professional association, and of the Human Resources Institute of NZ (HRNZ). See our full bios here.
Why: Valuing the worth of people matters more than ever. Our vision and purpose is, and has always been, to help you design meaningful and inspiring work and workplaces.
I just wanted to say thank you for your time back in June. The time we spent together really opened my eyes to future possibilities and where I could see my career direction heading. After much thought I have decided to follow my deep interests, and I can honestly say that without your help I would have probably never taken this dramatic step – one could say I have since had an epiphany! I very much appreciate the insight you provided me and wish you all the best. RC
I have extolled the virtues of your work to so many people who think I am very courageous. I put it down to having great advice from you … the absolute best of which was how to get related to people in the line of work I want to do. JA
Over the past few months dealing with the changes at work I have been very resilient and have remained positive about what was happening – your coaching on either loving your way through or hating your way through has been very powerful. I’ve chosen the former, its done me extremely well and I could not have done it without your help Frances. Thank you for your help.
Paul, a Senior Researcher in a large NZ organisation volunteered this feedback recently …
“I didn’t know what to expect when I booked in with Max and Frances. I chose them from a list of coaches as I liked their backgrounds and experience. It turns out they were fantastic because they were astute, customised in their approach, wise and great listeners.
I gained a lot of new practical skills from working with them and I really needed the challenge they presented to me in the way I think, process information and respond.
I’m noticing that I am implementing their advice and as an example, I am ‘book-ending’ my responses better so that they are more meaningful and concise. I found Max and Frances genuine, punctual and committed to helping me. I am endorsing Max and Frances to others at my work not only because they are effective, but also very professional, fun and kind” (2022)