As with any professional service we understand that working with Forté Careers could be seen initially as involving an element of uncertainty.
Effective career change and development requires that both you and we take a number of steps. We will share a range of career development tools, information and insights with you. We will discuss with you your current situation and the results you are wanting, and what you can expect from working with Forté consultants, in detail before you do anything else, and we stand behind everything that we say and recommend.
Ground Rules For Success
A career enquiry can be an intensive process, a kind of “immersion program” where you look deeply into your skills, aspirations, work history and future. We engage in it together as a team and it’s vital that you are actively involved with us “on the court,” not watching the action from a distance in the stands! It’s important that you understand the active nature of this work.
Improving self-management and effectiveness can be challenging and require a degree of persistence – try, review, adapt. You need to be willing to have a go and persist.
It’s definitely not just a matter of providing you with information. We know from experience how that is not a very effective strategy.
Experience shows that in order for us to guarantee the integrity of the results, the following commitments can play a central role, so this is what it will to take from you:
You will need to:
- Do the homework that we agree on – pursue the research, enquiries, conversations and follow-up matters we identify with you
- Be willing to be open to ideas – this is raised explicitly in the set-up process you will do
- Find and use a Career Buddy as your ongoing support person
- Be in contact with us via email to let us know how you are doing while we are working together – please be in touch at any time if you get stuck
- Acknowledge all communications promptly – email, text and phone as necessary
- Keep a regular brief diary of your career enquiry activities, questions, issues arising and progress in your thinking