# Read the questions carefully and give a quick response
# Be careful what you tick – the pattern varies left to right and vice versa
# Take a note of your final score - It could be very useful later
# There are 25 questions
# Enjoy this quick overview of where you are at!
How often do you wake up in the early hours worrying about your work?
How often do you wake up on a Monday morning and feel your stomach turn over when you realise it’s Monday morning again?
How frequently do you feel concerned about being made redundant?
At parties do you love to talk about how wonderfully interesting and satisfying your work is?
At parties do you moan about how bad or tough work is (the boss, the company, the culture, the hours, the standards)?
Do you feel you are putting off an inevitable career change - you just haven’t got going on making it happen yet?
How often do you feel you have to compromise your own personal standards or values to get the job done?
Do you feel your boss/manager is really on your side and values you and your contribution?
Do you feel isolated at work?
How often do you feel you'd like to be making more of a contribution than you are currently?
How often do you feel angry about a work situation?
Do you ever feel burnt out or seriously consider that you might be burnt out?
Would you say you feel really fulfilled in the work you are doing?
How often are you bored at work or “drift off” or day-dream about doing something else while you are at work?
How often do you think you’d love to start your own business - but you haven't yet?
How often do you honestly feel you are paid fairly for what you do?
Do you wish the corporate head-hunters would call?
How often do you say or think "I wish they'd make me redundant"?
How often do you feel you have lost your way with your career, or you haven't found it yet - a sense that you don't know where you are going?
Do you feel unhappy, worried or upset at the thought that you will be doing the same work in 10 years time?
How often do you say or think that if it wasn't for the money you'd change careers?
How often do you feel you are doing what you do to satisfy someone else's needs?
With job interviews, how often do you feel really happy with your performance?
How often do you feel you've had enough of what your current career or work is costing you personally in terms of relationships outside work (with your family and friends)?
If you are studying, or when you were, do you worry you chose the wrong course?
Please fill in the comment box below.
Time's up